Elvie Renshaw
"The greatest job of life is to love and be loved." — R.D. Clyde
Elvie found joy in composing poems. She was often asked to write a poem for a special occasion, such as an anniversary, a birthday tribute, shower invitation and all manner of occasions. Elvie’s grandchildren fondly remember receiving a birthday card, with a poem by Grama, sticks of Juicy Fruit or Double Mint gum and coins taped inside. Included here are a few of her many poems.

It's Fun to Be Poor
If we would only stop awhile
And ponder a few things o’er,
Listing those that can’t be bought,
We’d find it’s fun to be poor.
Through life we struggle frantically
Just to capture a little dough,
Forgetting everything worthwhile
In our effort to make a show.
Did you ever stop to think true love
Can’t be bought with money!
It’ll never make a blind man see,
Or turn a dark sky sunny.
True, money can buy many things,
It makes folks feel secure,
But when a loved one dies, you can’t buy faith,
Which helps folks to endure.
When doctors give you up saying,
“There’s no more we can do,”
All the money in this old world
Will never pull you through.
We don’t worry over income tax
Like poor rich fellows do,
We’re not annoyed with extortioners,
Threatening they will sue.
There’s no iron bars at our windows,
Our children can romp and play,
Kidnappers never bother them
Because it doesn’t pay.
Poor folks are loved for what they are,
No will over which to cry,
No one is waiting anxiously
Hoping soon they’ll die.
The rich man’s gardens we may enjoy,
If not in such a hurry,
As smile as we gaze knowing well
The upkeep’s not our worry.
Be thankful you can help yourself,
It’s a blessing from the Lord,
A servant can’t bring happiness
Because you pull a silken cord.
If the desire for enormous riches
Hasn’t got you to the core,
I’m sure you’ll agree with me,
It’s fun to be poor!